
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Rev 12:11 KJV

Personal Testimonies

There’s an old saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Most people use this phrase in a negative way after a romantic relationship has gone south, but in my case, it’s a positive statement. I am a 51 year old woman who was raised in church every Sunday, got saved at 15, and been in Bible studies regularly since I was about 28. I’ve been through seminars, conferences, and read every Christian self-help book out there with still no relief from certain besetting sins.  It wasn’t until the Lord brought Rich Gartrell at Deep Healing Ministries into my life that I was set free! Shame, lust, pride, and loneliness had been running my life and EVERYTHING filtered through them. Once they were gone, my life changed 100%. I had NO IDEA how much space they took up in my mind and heart. Freedom is a WONDERFUL thing so I recommend Deep Healing Ministries to all those who are still struggling. Rich, and his wife, Mary, are kind, warm, and really know their stuff. I was immediately put at ease and felt VERY safe in their presence. It seemed like a 5,000 lb. weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
In Christ,

Pastoral Testimonies

Deep Healing Ministries has provided me and my ministry with vital tools and information.  Spiritual warfare, deep healing and deliverance are topics too often overlooked within the mainstream denominational world.  Serving in a rural mountain based culture, I was actually researching on my own these very topics after dealing with people in need when I discovered Rich’s workshop at the last minute and attended with an open heart and humble spirit.  God was able to show me, through the Holy Spirit, that ministry in this area is vital.  It even reaffirmed the powerful healing experience encountered on many Emmaus or Tres Dios spiritual retreats.  I would recommend to anyone Deep Healing Ministry’s workshop and support as not only a tremendous introduction into this Spirit filled ministry area but also as a long standing partner for pastoral support as we work together for the Kingdom of God in our congregation, community and world.

Rev Byron Ahrens – Pastor
Epworth United Methodist Church
Epworth, GA


I am a Pastor who has been saturated with the Bible, since childhood – a Bible-preaching church, a Christian home, a Christian school education, and a Bible college degree – but a couple years ago, I began encountering some people in our ministry who said they were struggling with demonism. I quickly realized that even with all the years of Bible training, I had very little knowledge about spiritual warfare. The very next week, I believe as an act of God, I was introduced to Rich and Mary Gartrell. Rich had a desire to pray and counsel with folks just like the ones that I had encountered, and he expressed a burden that more pastors and laypeople become equipped to pray and counsel with those needing spiritual deeper healing.

From that day, I have enjoyed the training, fellowship, and partnership of Rich and Mary in my own life and in our ministry at Highland Baptist Tabernacle. We have been blessed to host two training sessions, in which Rich uses the training videos of Dr. Charles Kraft of Fuller Seminary, to present a very balanced and honest treatment of spiritual warfare and deeper healing. After seeing much maltreatment of biblical truth by some spiritual warfare teachers, I was greatly encouraged by these honest and clear presentations of a method for finding deeper spiritual healing. Since the training sessions, Rich and Mary have founded Deep Healing Ministries of Atlanta, have joined me in prayer sessions with those needing deeper healing in our area, and have kept us in regular contact with their ongoing ministry to the greater Atlanta area.

If you are considering a ministry to sponsor, I can think of no greater need than spiritual healing among Christians and non-Christians alike in our day. Deep Healing Ministries of Atlanta and the Gartrell’s are all about that. If you, like me, find yourself very unprepared for spiritual warfare then I would suggest a partnership with Rich and Mary to equip and engage. And if you are a pastor or a leader and would like to see more of the people in your church or community becoming equipped to help those around them with prayer and counsel in the midst of spiritual warfare, let me suggest to you a training session led by the Gartrells: it has been most helpful to our community of Blue Ridge, GA, and many here have found deeper healing in Christ by God’s grace.
Rusty Thomas
Pastor of Highland Baptist Tabernacle
Blue Ridge, GA

Trainee Testimonies

As a bible teacher and Christian mentor I work with many Christians struggling in their thought life and physical bodies. About 4 years ago I asked the Lord, “Why can’t Christians indwelt with the Holy Spirit, get set free from their bondage of sin and oppression?
The Lord taught me that demons can be present in Christians. You can’t mentor a demon. It needs to be cast out, and then you can mentor the person.
Jesus came to set the captives free and heal the broken hearted. He has left us to do this work through the power of the Holy Spirit. I was introduced to Rich and Mary Gartrell after I had inquired of the Lord on this issue and knew that the training Rich was offering was a continuation of this prayer being  answered. Not only did God want me to know the why, but also how Christians could be set free.
Through the Charles Kraft training series, I understood that demons were entering through soul wounds as well as generational sins and curses. But once these wounds were healed and generational doors shut, then demons could be cast out. Participating in many inner healing ministry sessions has allowed me to see up close the freedom that Jesus wants for all of us. It has also allowed me to understand some of the tactics of our enemy and have a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm. We truly do wrestle in a tangible way against dark forces.
Just like in our physical health, we learn that preventing disease through making healthy choices is the most important thing we can do. This training and ministry experience has helped me minister these same principles to students and adults with regard to their soul’s health. If wounds can be avoided or quickly healed then demonic doors can be shut and a life time of torment for them and generations to follow can be avoided.
We do truly have authority over the devil but if we don’t actually know how to practically execute that authority, it is of no use and the kingdom of darkness has the upper hand in our lives and the lives of
those around us.