Extended Resources

Extended Resources

For those of you who are hungry for more books on inner healing and deliverance, here are some additional books worth looking into so you can continue your thirst for knowledge.

Understanding Basic Issues in Inner Healing and Deliverance

Recommended Reading List

Anderson, Neil, The Bondage Breaker, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2000

_______, Victory over the Darkness, Regal, Ventura, CA 1990

_______, The Steps to Freedom In Christ,

Bubeck, Mark, Overcoming the Adversary, Moody, Chicago, IL 1984

Dickason, Fred, Demon Possession and the Christian, Moody, Chicago, IL 1987

Gibson, Noel and Phyl, Deliver Our Children from the Evil One, Sovereign World, Kent, England, 1992

_______, Evicting Demonic Intruders, Renew Books, Ventura, CA 1993

_______, Excuse Me…Your Rejection Is Showing, Renew Books, Ventura, CA 1992

_______, Freedom in Christ, Sovereign World, Kent, England 1996

_______, The Gospel Overcomes Satanic Oppression, Freedom in Christ Ministries Trust, Drummoyne, Australia, 1994

Hammond, Frank and Ida Mae, The Breaking of Curses, Impact Books, Plainview, TX

_______, A Manual for Children’s Deliverance, Impact Books, Kirkwood, MO, 1996

_______, Pigs in the Parlor, Impact Books, Kirkwood, MO 1973

Horrobin, Peter, Healing through Deliverance I, Sovereign World Ltd, Kent, England 1991

_______, Healing through Deliverance II, Sovereign World Ltd, Kent, England 1995

Kraft, Charles, Deep Wounds, Deep Healing, Revised and Updated, Chosen, Minneapolis, MN 2010

_______, Defeating Dark Angels, Regal, Ventura, CA 2011

_______, I Give You Authority, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1998

_______, Two Hours to Freedom, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI 2010

Kylstra, Chester and Betsy, Biblical Healing and Deliverance, Chosen, Grand Rapids, MI, 2005

Long, Brad, and Strickler, Cindy, Let Jesus Heal Your Hidden Wounds, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI 2001

MacNutt, Francis, Deliverance from Evil Spirits, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1995

Murphy, Ed, Handbook for Spiritual Warfare, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN 1992

Pearson, Mark, Christian Healing, A Practical and Comprehensive Guide,

Prince, Derek, Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1990

_______, They Shall Expel Demons, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 1998

Reese, Andy, and Barnett, Jennifer, Freedom Tools for Overcoming Life’s Tough Problems, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2015

Sandford, John and Mark, Deliverance and Inner Healing, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2008

Sandford, John and Paula, Healing the Wounded Spirit, South Plainfield, NJ, Bridge 1985

________, Transforming the Inner Man, Lake Mary, FL, 2007

________, The Transformation of the Inner Man, South Plainfield, NJ, Bridge, 1982

Sanford, Agnes, The Healing Light, New York, Ballentine, 1972

Schneider, Rabbi A. K., Self-Deliverance, Chosen, Grand Rapids, MI

Wagner, Doris M., How to Cast Out Demons, Wagner Publications, Colorado Springs, CO 1999

White, Thomas, The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Servant Publications, Ann Arbor, 1990


Bottari, Pablo. Free in Christ: Your Complete Handbook on the Ministry of Deliverance. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2000.

Clark, Randy. The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance. Lake Mary, Florida: Charisma House, 2015.

Clark, Randy. Empowered: A School of Healing and Impartation Workbook. Mechanicsburg, PA: Global Awakening, 2009.

Hogue, Rodney. Forgiveness. Hayward, CA: Community of Grace, 2008.

Horrobin, Peter. Healing Through Deliverance. Grand Rapids, MI; Chosen Books, 2008.

Prince, Derek. They Shall Expel Demons. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 1998.


For More information about Inner Healing, Doctor Charles Kraft and Deliverance please check out the YouTube Links Related to Healing below.

http://www.heartssetfree.org/   This is the web site from which Dr. Charles Kraft and Judy Taber operate.  Dr. Kraft is now (2017) 84, and most of the operating work is Judy.

These are YouTube links where you can see some of his teaching.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rg5IuLfS4U     Rats & Garbage: Deep Wounds, Deep Healing  Charles Kraft    About 47 minutes, Cal State Christianity University 2012

“My topic is “10 Myths about Demons”

If short of time, introduction occurs at 6:02, Kraft begins at 8:14,

First myth – Christians cannot be demonized begins at 17:20+/-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85U4wWfV_kM   Dr. Charles Kraft. From Brokenness & Bondage to Healing and Freedom : 43 minutes

Dr. Charles Kraft Life Story NOTE: Session # 4 of 5 discusses Kraft’s shift into deliverance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbXDo80DObs  Dr. Charles Kraft   Life Story 1/5 : 15 minutes   New Zealand 2005

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0kMC0-JRdQ   Dr. Charles Kraft   Life Story 2/5 : 15 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp8AA1f5bt4     Dr. Charles Kraft   Life Story 3/5 : 15 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6V78IVG_Rc    Dr. Charles Kraft   Life Story 4/5. This is the primary one on the actual moving into deliverance in his experience : 15 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erHTNnTI-44     Dr. Charles Kraft   Life Story 5/5 : 4:20 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_3WudXoKpQ    Dr. Charles Kraft   Do you know who you are? : 44 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4skicU_GG4k     Dr. Charles Kraft   Nature of Jesus : 30 minutes


  • http://www.heartssetfree.org/   Website of Judy Taber with Dr. Charles Kraft
  • https://www.christianhealingmin.org/  Website of Francis & Judith MacNutt
  • https://www.prmi.org/  Website of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International, Zeb Brad Long and Cindy Strickler
  • https://elijahhouse.org/ Website for John and Paula Sandford
  • http://www.freedomprayer.org/ Website for Andy Reese, Freedom Tools
  • http://ficm.org/ Website for Freedom in Christ, Neil Anderson
  • https://www.restoringthefoundations.org Website for Betsy and Chester Kylstra
  • bethelsozo.com/  Website for SOZO, Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher

There is so much more out there, but these are our top links.