
Home and Family Consecration and Protection Prayer

  • At the start of each day, pray re-consecrating myself to the Lord and asking the Lord for the guidance, authority and power of the Holy Spirit.

“Heavenly Father, I have given my life to you, and I belong to you.  Today I consecrate and commit to you again my life: my soul and spirit, my heart, my mind and imagination and understanding and attitudes, my will, my body, my attention, my family, my health, my time, my activities, my finances, my possessions, and my relationships.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for the guidance, discernment, wisdom, love, authority, power and joy of the Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit, you are in charge of my life today.  Show me what you want me to do.  Help me to hear you clearly, obey you eagerly, and cooperate with you in accomplishing your purposes.  Please give me the great joy of participating with you in what you are doing.”

  • Speak protection over my life (substitute the correct names for your situation)

“I declare my life belongs to the Lord Jesus, and in the name of Jesus Christ I forbid any activity by any satanic beings coming against me or Mary, my wife.  I claim protection in the name of Jesus Christ for each of our family, our friends, our home, our work or business, our work associates, our property, our finances, our health, our electronics, our vehicles and everything else that pertains to us from any interference, attack, retaliation, revenge, or other harassment of any kind from the enemy.  If there are any emissaries of the evil one present, in the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel your assignment, command you to leave, and forbid you to return or send replacements.”

  • Praise and Give Thanks

Lord Jesus Christ, you said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

You said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

You said, “I am come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Thank you.

You are Lord of Hosts.  Thank you that you send your angel to encamp round about me and deliver me. (Psalm 34:7)

And thank you that you yourself are:

with me (Deut. 31:8, Is. 41:10, Zeph. 3:17, Matt. 28:20)

and in me (John 14: 20, John 17: 23, 26)

and that I am in you (John 14:20, John 15: 4, John 17:21).

Help me grasp what this means.

Prayers for Opening Individual Ministry Time

Opening Prayers for Two Hours to Freedom

  • At the start of each session, take authority over the place, time, and people.

“In the name of Jesus, I speak against any emissaries of the evil one who may be here.  I command you to leave.  I claim this place, this time, and these people for the Lord Jesus and forbid any activity by any satanic beings except what I specifically command.”

  • Pray asking the Lord for the guidance, authority, and power of the Holy Spirit.

“Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask for the guidance, discernment, wisdom, authority and power of the Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit, please come and take charge of this session.  Show us what you want us to do, and help us to cooperate with you in accomplishing your purposes here.”

  • Speak protection over everyone present.

“I claim protection in the name of Jesus Christ for each one of us, our families, our friends, our work associates, our property, our finances, our health, and everything else that pertains to us from any revenge, retaliation, harassment or other attacks from the enemy.”

  • Cut off any spirits inside the person from help from other spirits outside or inside the person.

“In the name of Jesus, I cut off any spirits inside any of us from any help they might get from outside of us or from other spirits inside one of us.”

  • Forbid any hiding or presentation as a false Jesus.

“In the name of Jesus, I take authority over any spirits opposed to Jesus Christ in this person and forbid your hiding in an inner child, alter, or shared host.  I forbid you from changing locations or authority structures.  I command you to be fully present when addressed and to respond when commanded to do so in the name of Jesus Christ.  I also forbid any false spirit from presenting as Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ is invited into anything during this time.”

  • Forbid any violence, vomiting, or other spectacular behavior as follows:

“In the name of Jesus, I forbid any spirits present from causing any violence, any nausea, any screaming, any showy behavior, or anything that might embarrass anyone.”