
Whatever your concern may be–whether past pains or sickness in your body– Jesus can heal it all if you will bring it to him. It is astonishing how much freedom you can realize from inner healing.

What takes place in an inner healing and deliverance session?

In a typical appointment:

  •  A prayer team of two or three people will participate.
  • The person coming for prayer (healing) will be asked to complete a questionnaire and waiver-of-liability form, then send or bring the forms for the appointment.
  • During the appointment, for the first 20 to 30 minutes we discuss any questions the client has or that the prayer leader has, getting acquainted and addressing concerns or objectives.
  • For the next hour or so, the prayer team will invite the Holy Spirit to bring to mind things that need healing, usually moving through the person’s life in more or less chronological order.
  • During the last half hour or so, the prayer leader may challenge suspected individual demonic presences, and if they are present, command them to leave. Although the deliverance may be intense, it is generally quiet and subdued and has no dramatic or embarrassing activity.

*Frequently one session is sufficient, but sometimes two or three may be needed.

How do I sign up for my inner healing & deliverance session?

Submit a request for an application through our contact page, and we will send you back an application and release-of-liability waiver. Upon receiving the application, we will schedule a session with you.

We understand the importance of your concern, and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience in waiting for our response.