Awareness & Training

A large part of our mission is to raise awareness, educate, train, equip, coach and encourage others to do the work of the ministry.

“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.” He called his 12 disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

Matt: 9:38, 10:1



Much of the church, both “mainline” and charismatic, but especially mainline, has little or no awareness of the field of inner healing and deliverance. Furthermore, some sensational or flaky practitioners have created a justifiable wariness for church leaders.

DHMA will meet with individuals and church leaders, explaining this kind of ministry and encouraging them to explore it further, both with us and on their own.

Dr. Kraft’s writings combine an evangelical Biblical perspective, academic rigor, vast personal experience, and good readability.

Training and Equipping

Our primary approach to training has been the presentation of Dr. Kraft’s Two Hours to Freedom DVD series. This shows Dr. Kraft himself presenting a seminar, explaining how to do inner healing and deliverance. The set consists of six presentations of about one hour each, plus the video of an actual two-hour healing and deliverance session with a client.

As we originally presented the seminar, there were two one-hour sessions on a Friday evening. Then on Saturday morning, there was one session, followed by the two-hour healing time. Saturday afternoon there were three more one- hour sessions.

We have presented it this way, with an opportunity for questions and discussion after each session. We have also presented it as one session per week, followed by discussion and time for participants to process what they have seen and heard.

If you would like to find out more about our training, please go to the contact section so that we can schedule a date for a session or seminar.